Think 68: Healthy Workplace Relationships

No. 68, Aug 10th, 2023

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“Put yourselves in situations where you get new experiences because that's where you learn.”- Dhruvank Vaidya

Dhruvank Vaidya, the Head of Podcasts for Spotify India, shares his insights on decision-making, career choices, good workplace relationships, and effective team-building. Furthermore, Dhruvank emphasises the significance of grit, the balance between being a generalist and a specialist, and the power of a clear vision in leadership. 

The One Percent Project:

+How significant are healthy workplace relationships? Dhruvank says it is important to recognise the significance of fostering positive workplace relationships throughout the career journey, as connections with colleagues and acquaintances can have lasting implications. Research in social psychology shows that leaders who focus on building strong connections with their team and lead with positivity and kindness perform way better.

+Generalist or Specialist? Navigating the generalist vs specialist debate can be a game-changer, as finding the right balance between broad knowledge and deep expertise can unlock endless opportunities for professional growth and success. But Dhruvank says that the suitability of the generalist or the specialist approach in one’s career depends more on an individual’s preference. It is essential to figure out which approach suits one best, at the earliest, for a fulfilling career.

+A quote to think about: “There’s no magic formula for great company culture. The key is just to treat your staff how you would like to be treated.”  - Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group.

Connect with me: If you have any feedback, topic, or speaker recommendations, you can email me at You can connect with me on LinkedIn as well.




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