Think 65: Sales is a cost centre

No. 65, February 16th, 2023

Welcome to Think, your newsletter on leadership, career, and growth from the smartest entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors.

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The One Percent Project:

+The CEO factory of India, Management Lessons from Hindustan Unilever: Sales is a cost centre, not a revenue centre. Brands generate revenue, not the sales team.

Significance of visual media in creating virality: Visual content has grown in importance in news media because it helps to capture attention, convey information quickly and effectively, and increase engagement and shareability. Images and graphics that are visually appealing can help make a story memorable. Many news organisations emphasize using visual elements to accompany their articles to create viral content that reaches a larger audience.

Two for the week:

+Hundreds of Incremental Changes: Entrepreneurs now confront a landscape in which they can assume someone else can almost always do what they're doing, but cheaper. In order to capture a share of the market, entrepreneurs must offer something different; they must innovate.

+A quote to think about: “The news business is simple, but it's not easy to do well.”– Roger Ailes

Connect with me: If you have any feedback, topic or speaker recommendations, you can email me at You can connect with me on LinkedIn as well.



Think 66: Importance of Timing


Think 64: To Sell is Human